Except as provided by this ordinance, no action or suit shall lie against the crown or against any other person for any loss or damage suffered by any person as the result of the acquisition of any land under this ordinance. 除本条例另有规定外,不得因根据本条例进行的土地征用导致任何人蒙受损失或损害而针对官方或任何其它人采取任何法律行动或进行任何诉讼。
However, not all of the national geoparks are suit for tourism exploitation. Inappropriate tourism exploitation was not conducive to the development of local economic, but also caused some damage to the geological heritage. 然而,并非所有的国家地质公园都适合旅游开发,盲目的旅游开发不仅不利于地方经济的发展,同时也会对地质遗迹造成一定的破坏。